John Spielman
About SWSA - AMA Charter #1216
SWSA is an active group of about 60 radio control enthusiasts that fly a wide
variety of silent, radio controlled aircraft from our field in Azusa, CA. The
primary focus of SWSA is R/C thermal duration soaring with strong participation
in Club, SC2 and regional competitions. Many club members also build
and fly small electric aircraft and helicopters. The club maintains electric
winches and retrievers with 460 foot turnarounds, a generator, an equipment
trailer with restroom facilities and other equipment to support our contests
and events. If you are new to radio control flying, several of our more
experienced pilots would welcome the opportunity to assist you to become a
proficient pilot. Membership is open to anyone however all SWSA members must
also belong to the Academy of Model
Aeronautics (AMA). Our membership application can be found in
the Join SWSA page.
SWSA conducts thermal duration sailplane operations with winch launching
regularly on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday mornings starting at 8:30am and
ending about noon. Days of operation and times depend on weather, the contest
schedule and availability of personnel to set up the support equipment. The
Equipment Chairman sends an email to the club members each week giving the
final schedule.
SWSA is one of eight clubs that form the Southern
California Soaring Clubs (SC2). In addition to
flying just for fun and hosting numerous SC2 contests throughout the
year at Fish Canyon, SWSA holds a friendly monthly club thermal duration
contest on the second Sunday of the month at 9:00am. Contest registration
classes include Expert, Sportsman, RES and 2 meter. Visiting pilots with AMA
membership and spectators are always welcome. Club contest standings are posted
on this web site.
SWSA holds a monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month and an
annual Holiday Party in December. The location of meetings varies so contact
the club president for the next meeting location.
Looking for more information about SWSA? Contact the Club President at the
email address listed on this page.
Flying Site - Fish Canyon
Fish Canyon, located at 3870 Encanto Parkway, Azuza, California, is SWSA's
primary and only flying site. The site accommodates competition and fun fly
thermal duration soaring as well as small electrics. The Fish Canyon site is
located at an old rock quarry. Although the crushed stone surface can be hard
on finishes if you miss the carpet, the local lift is almost always good to
excellent. Twenty to forty minute thermal flights over the local brush,
riverbed, mountain side and rock quarry are not uncommon. SWSA maintains a 7200
sq ft carpeted landing zone for sailplanes and a smaller similar surface for
electrics. The sailplane landing area can accommodate up to four precision spot
landing zones for thermal duration contests.
Flying site rules.
1. All pilots must be current AMA members.
2. Only sailplanes and electrics are allowed, no gas power aircraft.
3. Low flying over the pit area is not permitted.
4. Carpet-friendly landing aids are required (no skegs that will make holes in
the carpet)
5. Do not drive on the carpeted landing zones.